Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A "jump off the page" moment

I had one of those "jump off the page" moments today while reading the Word. I like these moments most of the time cause it gives me a reality check; however, sometimes they are quit convicting as well. It's so easy for us as individuals to be so wrapped up in our own "issues" that we don't see the needs of others. Also, we have this "right" that we think we have to take time for ourselves when we are going through a difficult situation to sort things out to "lick our wounds" whatever. Sorry if I am being a bit hard and/or cynical but this is how it all came to me:)

So I am reading in Mt. 14 when Jesus receives the news that his dear friend, forerunner, John the Baptist has been beheaded. All He wants to do is get some solitude so he can process, reminisce, grieve etc. So he decides to get into a boat and go to a solitude place. However, the crowds heard about this and had gathered on the other side. So when Jesus got to the shore a crowd of people had already gathered. He didn't *sigh* and say "get out of here I just need a few minutes to myself." He didn't just saunter off and ignore the people. He didn't start sharing his problems with them. The scriptures say "...He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick." Ugh knife in the gut. Jesus put His own needs aside because He saw the needs of others as more important then His own. How many times are we so caught up in our own situations that we miss the hurts and needs of others. OR we see them but say to ourselves "I am going through my own issues I have to deal with right now I don't have time for theirs."

"Lord Jesus may you help our eyes to be opened to the needs of others no matter what we going through in our lives. Help us to follow your example and put others needs first."

Well tonight is my third night shift in a row and now I am off for 4 :) It's different here though, I don't even care about my days off or look forward to them like I do back home. I actually get sad thinking I am going to miss what is happening in the lives of the patients while I am gone. But that's what's nice about living on the same hall as your patients:) I can walk through a door and visit them anytime. :)

Three of my five boys have left now. It was a sad day for me but a good one for them. Maybe I have not mentioned their stories here on the blog. We had 5 guys who all came in with ulcers on their legs that were not healing. So they got skin grafts (the dr.'s take a skin graft from the upper thigh and put it on the wound) to the ulcerative site. This is a wait, watch and see what happens process cause you don't know whether the graft will take. But praise the Lord 4 of the 5 grafts have taken. The fifth one (John) actually had to get his leg amputated because the infection had gone into the bone and would have killed him if they didn't. It was very hard for him to adjust and he was very depressed for a long time. However, it was cool cause when Nick was here (see earlier blog for explanation) he was able to really minister to this patient and bring encouragement to him. Lord willing John will be able to get a prosthetic eventually.

God really allowed me to bond with these 5 guys and we have shared many conversations together over the past month. To listen to their stories is heart wrenching. Two of them lost their wives, fortunes, friends everything because of their ulcers. The mindset is if you are sick with an "uncurable" disease you are finished, done for, left to die basically and will never be able to do anything. So the women both left for other men. It breaks my heart. We had many talks about forgiveness and restoration. I heard that one night at 3 am, after one of our talks, the one guy phoned his wife to tell her that he has forgiven her. We have laughed together and played many games of "Connect 4." They are really neat guys and I am sad to see them leave but excited for them to go back to society and share the blessing they have received. I challenged them all that God has blessed them and given them a new life and now they have to go back out to their people and share that blessing with others. They said they would :) O man there is so much more to be said but if I don't stop now this blog entry will be pages :)

It truly is a blessing to bond with the patients here and be able to share the love of Jesus with them in many ways. I am humbled and honored that the Lord would choose me to be His servant here on the Africa Mercy at this time.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!! God bless.

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