Saturday, August 30, 2008

San Diego

Praise the Lord I finally did make it to San Diego-the land of sun and fun:) It is great to be back here with friends. It made me realize how much I miss it but also that the Lord is moving me forward to new things. Yesterday, was a great day I think it was about 12 hours of being in the water and sun. We woke up at 0530 to head to the lake. For all you WI people they have to pay to use the lakes around here!!!! That is so crazy to me:) Anyway we went waterskiing and wakeboarding. I absolutely love wakeboarding:):) Then I met my friend and we went surfing:) It was great to get out there and be on the waves again. I was surprised that I picked up right where I left off!!! Now this morning I am extremely SORE!!!! and sunburnt:) I will try to post some video and pictures of that if I can figure out how to on this site :)

I have been so encouraged by visiting with both of my old roommates here in San Diego. One of the mornings as we were in the Word the Lord encouraged me with a verse from the book of Colossians: "To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy,which so powerfully works in me." 1:29. That is the verse I am carrying with me for the next 3 months. I know that this is not going to be easy work. In fact, I was reading through the online orientation at the airport the other morning and I was like "wow, good thing Iam at the airport or I may change my mind." It's going to be a lot of work and intense. BUT I know that it is the Lord's energy working through me and allowing me to accomplish the work that needs to be done.

I would ask that you all pray for me that the Lord will give me strength and that I will realize that I am a servant of the Lord to the people of Liberia.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

At the airport.....

Well the first lag of the journey has begun. My parents and little brother and I woke up at midnight and drove the 3 hrs to Minneapolis international airport. We got here at 0315. I am flying standby to San Diego so when I called to get on the standby list I found out the ticket was never paid for by the employee so now the wait begins........Hopefully once the ticket counter opens they will let me pay for it there.......Not a good way to start this journey. :) It's great to be here and know that I am this much closer to the beloved continent of Africa.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who says leaving is easy.....

ok so I thought things were all done for my paperwork on the Mercy Ships. But just to make sure I decided to reread all the info they sent me months ago. While doing so, I realized that I never got my Hep. B titer and if I didn't have proof of this I would not be allowed to work on the ship. Wow, can you imagine getting all the way to Africa, spending all that money on tickets, and then having them say "sorry you can't work cause you don't have a titer." So I frantically began calling to find out where I could get this titer done. When I called the clinic they said I needed a dr's order. Great that would mean making an appointment to see a Dr. which would cost more money. Well I have friends who are Dr.'s at this clinic so they saved me on this one:):) So the titer is done and I am ready for Africa.

Today was a little harder of a day as I realized that my time with friends and family is quickly coming to an end. I have a pile on my bed started of what I need to bring and will add to it over the next few days. I hope everything fits!!!!!

2 weeks from today I will be leaving for Liberia.....

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saying good-bye....

such a bitter-sweet thing to say good-bye in moments like this. Your emotions are being pulled both directions....being excited about what lies ahead and yet realizing that friends and family are out of sight for 4 months. Thank God that we have the modern technological equipment we do to stay in contact with those back home. For instance, I recently have been spending time on Skype, o by the way my skype address is Lanita.Kauffman, so now I figured it out enough to talk with people. This will be great while in Africa.

This morning my congregation prayed over me. I am so thankful that I belong to a local church body that believes in missions. My pastors prayed over me and commissioned me to the work of the Lord in Africa. During the hard times ahead I will remember those praying for me back home.

I am back in Hayward for my final week. Trying to "fit" everyone in my "good-bye" list. So needless to say lots of coffee times, lunches, and dinners in the next few days:)

I unpacked everything last night and now will focus on repacking it all back up again. I am trying to get everything into a small sized Kelty backpack for 4 months. Because after Africa my friends and I are touring Europe for a month so I have to be able to carry everything on my back. Will see how light I can pack :)

Until next time.......

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The preparation and more paperwork....emails.... saying goodbye to friends and family. So many things in preparing to leave the country for 4 months to embark on a trip of a lifetime. The dream began eight years ago when I spent 5 months on the Anastasis Mercy Ship completing my Discipleship Training School (DTS). I knew that someday I wanted to come back and work as a nurse on the ship. Well the time has arrived. In 2007 the Anastasis retired and the African Mercy has replaced her. With more space and more opportunities to help the people in Western Africa.

It's hard to believe that in a month I will be in Africa doing what I dreamed of so many years ago. Not exactly sure what all awaits me but I am excited for what the Lord is going to do. The prayer of my heart has been "use me Lord to touch the lives of the people there." I believe there are specific people that God has foreordained for me to influence and vice versa. I look forward to the opportunities that await me.