Monday, December 1, 2008

Miracles have happened.....

As you have read on my last entry, we are in the middle of a week long 24/7 prayer time here on the Africa Mercy. Well today, when I was done praying I decided to go to the ward to see how everyone was doing. I know sooner stepped into view when my friend comes up to me and says "You want to hear some extraordinary news!!!!!" I was like of course. Our little boy Kollie who had the encephalocele went for surgery today so they could place a shunt to help drain off the cerebral spinal fluid that was leaking and THEY FOUND THE LEAK!!!! Now, what's really cool is that he had been back to surgery several times to try to find the leak and they never could!!!!! Our God is so awesome!!! Prayer works!!!!! So now he will get to go back to his country with his family. I am so excited I could SCREAM!!!!!

Sedeke, the guy with the infection that nearly killed him, is also doing well and will go home tomorrow and Jacob, the boy with the skin graft, is going to be well enough to transfer to another hospital closer to his home!!!!! God is healing our patients right before our eyes. How I love the promises of God's Word.

Thank you for all of your prayers!!!! God is good all the time!